Consultations in Founex or Versoix

Balancing your mood with plants
We can easily succumb to fatigue even exhaustion, if you are not careful!
If your life style is sedentary, stressful, or lacking in minerals or vitamins, such as vitamin D generated by the sun.
How can you cope better with the stress and mood disorders which may follow?
How can you prevent “burnout” symptoms of fatigue and mood swings?
Fortunately, nature offers solutions for strengthening ourselves thanks to a wide range of molecules naturally active in plants. Phytotherapy, such as “extracts of fresh plants Standardised” (EPS), provide efficient natural solutions thanks to a highly efficient extraction method which yields all the active ingredients of the plants for therapeutic use. This extraction process allows us to adapt specific combinations of plant extracts to meet the specific needs based on the overall health of each individual. Unlike chemical solutions, these plant extracts exhibit no side effects. To optimise the therapeutic effects, the plants can be combined with specific nutrients for the nervous system – e.g., the co-factors of the neurotransmitters, in order to better regulate the mood along the day.
As a complement with phytotherapy, the micro-nutrition adapted to your needs (amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, probiotics/prebiotics, according to an individual assessment) supplies the key nutrients for a healthy function of the nervous system and neurotransmitters.