
Standardised fresh plant extracts: an innovative extraction process that restores all of the plant’s active ingredients.

Consultations in Founex or Versoix


Standardised fresh plant extracts. An innovative extraction process that restores all of the plant’s active ingredients, which:

  • Enables a personalised clinical phytotherapy approach, thanks to a synergy of two to three plants.
  • Aims to treat the disorders of the patient, considered as a whole and not as a sum of organs or a carrier of symptoms.
  • Responds to the holistic needs of the patient.
  • Is prescribed by the therapist, produced in a pharmacy and packaged in a bottle, without alcohol or sugar.

The herbal medicine consultation offers the time and space conducive to search for natural solutions for chronic disorders where inflammation is often at the source.

The first therapeutic step in herbal medicine often consists in strengthening the “support system”, the liver, kidneys and intestines, to better ensure the balance of the immune, nervous, hormonal and circulatory systems.
